古代印尼的民族文化是十分辉煌的;这只要我们一提起爪哇的婆罗浮屠的建筑和英雄传奇“汉都亚”就可得到证实. 婆罗浮屠建筑的宏伟,有人比之于埃及的金字塔.它建筑在日惹邻近的文池兰境内一个丘陵上面.露在地面上的就有七层.下面四层是四方形的,上面三层则成圆形.最上层是巍然耸立的尖塔.因为
Ancient Indonesian national culture is very brilliant; as long as we mention the Javanese Borobudur architecture and the legendary legend “Hindu Asia” can be verified. Borobudur magnificent building, some people than the pyramids in Egypt. Yogyakarta in the vicinity of a hill above the territory of Wenchlan. There are seven exposed on the ground. The following four layers are square, the top three are rounded. The top floor is a towering steeple.