Comparative Analysis on Characterization of Araby and The Mark on the Wall

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  【Abstract】: James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are the great masters in the literary trend of modernism. They focus on detailed portrayal of characters when they begin to create their literary works. This article will compare the characterization of Araby and The Mark on the Wall from the theme and portrayal of individuals.
  【Key words】: Short Stories; Theme; Portrayal of Individuals
  Introduction: The Irish novelist James Joyce devoted himself to the spiritual liberation of Irish people all through his life. In this brief short story Araby, the social status in Dublin, the pervasive living conditions in Irish, even the life and fortune of human beings can be penetrated. The Mark on the Wall does not describe the settings of the story but directly into the character’s inner heart.
  1.Influences of realistic and mental world on the development of theme
  In Araby, the author shows a picture of dirty environment in Dublin which is the direct reason of the little boy’s emotional depression. While in The Mark on the Wall, Woolf attracts readers’ eyes directly to the main character’s mental world instead of offering information of the outside surroundings.
  1.1The importance of environmental description in Araby
  The first paragraph of this article take readers into a dead, dirty and lethargy city, such as “being blind”, “quiet street”, “uninhabited house”, and “imperturbable faces”. The author tries to reveal the atmosphere of the church has shrouded every corner of the whole society. The ending of this short story emphasize it again. “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity, and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.”
  1.2 The detailed psychological description in The Mark on the Wall
  In The Mark on the Wall, Woolf pays more attention to the psychological world of the character not mentioning the settings and environment. It is just the small mark on the wall arises the woman’s imagination without boundary. From the former tenant, a small rose leaf to a crack in the mood, the woman can not control her mind. Scholars are descendants of witches and hermits. The train of thought becomes fragmental and disorder.
  2. The Detailed Portrayal of Individuals
  Joyce explores a spiritual journey of the character to convey the little boy’s growing, while Woolf uses a net form to exhibit a series of complex consciousness, feeling, image and delusion.
  2.1 The detailed characterization in Araby   In Araby, Joyce describes the little boy’s spiritual journey very detailed to reveal the boy’s maturity and growth. It is a typical short story to reflect the process of growing of the little boy’s inner heart. The little boy’s name “I”, an anonym, who has no distinctive character, incarnates every immature man in this village. What’s important is he is unconscious of living in chaos. In his mind, love is pure and holy. However, the dirty environment and the cold atmosphere of the market destroy all his innocent dream of love.
  2.2 Detailed psychological description reflects the mental activities
  In The Mark on the Wall, Woolf focuses on characterizing the woman’s complicated spiritual world. He chooses the mark on the wall as the main point, and let the character’s mind spread far away around the mark, which arouses the inexhaustible imagination of the past, the present and the future, containing literature, history, culture, civilization, religion and so on. The character’s imagination shows a scattered state of random regardless of time and space. Woolf uses the form of net to present the character’s inner world with the thinking spreading out to a far place around the main point, that is, the mark on the wall.
  James Joyce is the master of the stream of consciousness while Virginia Woolf is one of the great masters of modernism. In Araby, he shows us the paralyzed life in Dublin. Since most of his works are dealing with the inside of human nature, he uses his unique artistic technique of detailed description of psychology. Virginia Woolf’s The Mark on the Wall shows a complicated and numerous imagination of the main character. Trough the detailed description of psychological world, readers still can have an entire view of the main character’s mental activities.
  【1】Scholos, Robert and A. Walton Litz, eds. The Viking Critical Literary: James Joyce, Dubliners【M】. New York: The Viking Press, 1969.
  【2】李維屏. 英美意識流小说【M】上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.
  【3】孙红洪. 从《墙上的斑点》看弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的意识流写作【J】国际关系学院学报,1998,(1):18-19.
沙漠  于是我便陪你远行  逃离车尘马蹄的人生  逃往一路向西的虛无  天涯路远  途经寂寞冬樱和飒飒风铃  满载而归的憧憬  是春色枯朽,夏日老去  是秋意渐残的纪念品  我们往西  山长水阔,山穷水尽  沙漠瘦骨嶙峋  她向着太阳奔走呼嚎  比你的眼泪更为弱小  风云变色,暴风漫溢  却比我的痛苦更加坚定  后来泪干了  我们再次选择沙漠  多余的风战战兢兢  晚霞和光即将烧尽  你身体此起彼
【摘要】:《边城》最大的特点就是景物描写非常优美,无论是自然景物还是社会风景都充满着强烈的地方特色。还有则是淳朴真实、不受污染的人性美,表达了沈从文先生对这样美丽质朴的真诚讴歌和赞美。但是这样美丽的故事却有一个悲剧结尾,本文將就此作简要浅析。  【关键词】:环境美;人性美;悲剧  一、优美的环境描写  沈从文先生作为语言大师,他用明净澄澈的文笔,以兼具抒情诗和小品文的优美笔触,描绘了湘西地区特有的
清代诗论家张玉谷曾作过一首诗论绝句:文姬才欲压文君,《悲愤》长篇洵大文。老杜固宗曹七步,瓣香可也及钗裙。该诗高度评价了蔡文姬的才气,说她的才能胜过卓文君,赞叹《悲愤诗》的大气,连“诗圣”杜甫也深受她的影响。  诗中的文姬,即蔡琰,是东汉著名书法家和文學家蔡邕的女儿。她在父亲的影响下,不仅博学能文,善于诗赋,而且自小便显示出极高的音律天分。刘昭《幼童传》载曰:“邕夜鼓琴,弦绝。琰曰第二弦。邕曰偶得之
【摘要】:梅德明教授的《现代句法学》系统全面地介绍了形式句法学的理论。该书以乔姆斯基的生成语法理论为中心,兼顾与之相关的热点及前沿理论,既是一部语言学专业研究生的好教材,也是语言学学者和广大外语教师的重要参考书。  【关键词】:现代句法学;乔姆斯基;生成语法理论;梅德明  一、引言  《现代句法学》是由上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业博士生导师梅德明主编,于2008年1月在上海外语教育出版社出版。该
第一次接触到乐嘉老师自然是在非诚勿扰的舞台,这个风靡一时的综艺节目带给我们很多的欢乐氛围。除了欣赏女嘉宾们的风采,与可爱的孟爷爷的幽默风趣,给我印象最深的要数嘉宾乐嘉老师。  乐老师在舞台上发表的言辞犀利中肯,发人深思。似乎对人的心理吃的透透的,也由此产生了对心理学的兴趣。乐老师这些年致力于对性格色彩的研究,第一次接触到性格色彩也是源于乐老师。  乐嘉老师是中国大陆主持人,作家,同时也是中国性格色
一.概况  芭蕾舞剧《白毛女》是由上海舞蹈学校根据同名歌剧集体改编创作的一部有价值的、能反映时代特征的作品。它首演于1965年第六届“上海之春”的艺术节上,以其深刻的思想内容、鲜明的人物形象、浓郁的民族风格、优美动听的音乐受到了广大观众的热烈欢迎,被看作是20世纪中国舞剧创作史上里程碑式的巨著。  20世纪30年代末晋察冀一带流传着一个富有传奇色彩的民间传说“白毛仙姑”的故事,基于对这一故事主题的
(中南财经政法大学 外国语学院,湖北 武汉 430073)  【摘要】:海明威作为美国20世纪“迷惘一代”的代言人,在那个充满迷茫、空虚的时代中塑造了一系列有勇气、有毅力、敢于抗争和不屈服的“海明威英雄”——“困境中充满勇气,压力下不失风度”。而《白象似的群山》却塑造了一个与懦弱男主人公形成鲜明对比的女性形象,本文着重分析女性形象,看到了海明威笔下一个栩栩如生的“女英雄”。  【关键词】:海明威;
【摘要】:科学和艺术是人类在社会生产实践中的伟大创造,是人类认识和把握世界的两种方式,它们在追求创造性和终极目的方面具有同一性和一致性,最终目的都是为了人的发展和完善,为了社会的发展。在现代社会,科学和艺术之间相互渗透、借鉴和综合的趋势愈发明显,越来越成为促进人类现代化发展的强大动力。  【关键词】:科学;艺术;密切关系;融合  “科学”与“艺术”对今天的人们而言,早已是耳熟能详的两个名词。不过,