
来源 :西南边疆民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mir80
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傣族文身起源于原始宗教,它是傣族先民图腾崇拜的一种表现,是一种交感巫术并且具有成人仪式的性质。佛教传入西双版纳傣族地区后,文身深刻地渗透了佛教文化的内容,内涵和图案更加丰富,并成为傣族佛教文化的重要组成部分。中华人民共和国成立后,由于傣族宗教信仰和实践传统的严重削弱以及人们科学文化知识的增进,傣族传统的文身习俗逐渐消失。 Dai tattoo originated in the primitive religion, which is a manifestation of Dai people’s totem worship, is a kind of sympathetic witchcraft and has the nature of an adult ritual. After Buddhism was introduced into the Dai area in Xishuangbanna, the tattoo deeply penetrated the contents of the Buddhist culture, enriched the connotation and pattern, and became an important part of the Buddhist culture of the Dai people. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, due to the severe weakening of the religious beliefs and practices of the Dai people and the improvement of people’s scientific and cultural knowledge, the traditional custom of the tattoo of the Dai people gradually disappeared.
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