2014年CES国际消费电子产品展不久前在美国内华达州的拉斯维加斯闭幕。在其中一场新品发布会上,美国通用汽车的雪佛兰部门发出消息,将在计划推出的旗下几款车型配备第四代互联网(4G)接入功能。如今,很多驾驶者要与越来越多的汽车应用程序保持联网状态,雪佛兰汽车推出的这一新功能正迎合了这种需求。该公司发言人称,此次他们将与美国电信运营商AT&T(美国电话电报公司)结成长期伙伴关系,推出具备4G LTE(长期演进)无线接入功能的雪佛兰品牌
2014 CES International Consumer Electronics Show recently concluded in Las Vegas, Nevada. In one of the new conference, General Motors Chevrolet issued a message that it will be equipped with the fourth generation of Internet (4G) access capabilities in several of its planned models. Nowadays, many drivers are keeping up with more and more automotive applications and this new feature of Chevrolet is catering to this demand. The company spokesman said that they will enter into a long-term partnership with AT & T, a U.S. telecom operator, to launch the Chevrolet brand with 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) wireless access