
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaajansen
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目的:掌握全省肾综合症出血热(HFRS)动物间疫情动态变化,为制定防制对策提供依据。方法:选择监测点开舛ㄊ竺芏群痛韭?采集病人血清进行分型鉴定。结果:室外和室内平均鼠密度为10 .0%。其中野外鼠密度为10. 8%,居民区为9 0%。开化县鼠密度最高,达到14 .5%。在捕获的室内鼠中,褐家鼠为优势鼠种,占75 87%,其次为小家鼠;在捕获的室外鼠中,黑线姬鼠为优势鼠种,占74 .44%,其次为黄毛鼠。黑线姬鼠带毒率为5 21%,褐家鼠带毒率为4 .18%。临床确诊病人的血清阳性率为67. 8%,恢复期血清分型鉴定,姬鼠(Ⅰ)型病人占60. 91%,家鼠(Ⅱ)型病人占32 .51%,另有6 .58% 的病人未分型。健康人群隐性感染率为3 58%。结论:我省属于以姬鼠(Ⅰ)型为主的混合型HFRS疫区,鼠密度和带毒率仍然较高,需要加强防治。 Objective: To master the dynamic changes of the outbreaks of HFRS in the province and provide the basis for the development of control strategies. Methods: Select the monitoring point to open 舛 竺 Zhu 芏 group pain  leek? Collection of patient serum for type identification. Results: The average outdoor and indoor rat density was 10.0%. Among them, the density of wild rats was 10.8% and that of residential areas was 90%. Kaihua County, the highest density of rats, reaching 14.5%. Among the captured indoor rats, Rattus norvegicus was dominant species, accounting for 75.87%, followed by Mus musculus; among the captured outdoor rats, Apodemus agrarius was the predominant species, accounting for 74.44%, followed by Rattus rat. Cordyceps black band poisoning rate of 521%, brown house poisoning rate of 4.18%. The seroprevalence of the clinically diagnosed patients was 67. 8%. Serum type was identified during the recovery phase. The percentage of Apodemus patients (type Ⅰ) was 60.91%, that of domestic mice (Ⅱ) was 32.51%, and the other 6. 58% of patients are not typed. The prevalence of latent infection in healthy population was 358%. Conclusion: The province belongs to the mixed type HFRS epidemic area mainly based on Apodemus agrarius (type Ⅰ), and the rat density and the virulence rate are still high, so it is necessary to strengthen prevention and control.
1森林资源现状rn莘县,位于山东省西部、黄河北岸,冀鲁豫三省交界处,地处北纬36 ° 14′、东经115 ° 39′,全境南北长68千米,东西宽32千米,辖24个镇(街道),1154个行政村.气候
大、中型立式车床工作台的主轴,多采用锥形滑动轴承。这种轴承极易研伤。常规的修理方法是修磨旧件或更换新件。在修换时,要保证轴承锥面的接触精度是比较费工费时的。 Lar
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