“别干了”(ne travaillez jamais)这句短小精干的口号颇有些历史渊源:1958年,法国马克思主义理论家居伊·德波(Guy Debord)在巴黎塞纳街的一面墙上写下这几个字,呼吁工人们“别再干活了”(never work),从而抵制资本主义社会的剥削。对德波而言,这一标志性的涂鸦是其学术事业的基石;时隔十年,在1968年5月的学生和工人运动中,这句口号被广为采用。
The short, neat slogan of “ne travaillez jamais” is quite historical: in 1958 Guy Debord, the French Marxist theorist, wrote it down on the wall of the Seine in Paris In a few words, he urged workers to “never work” to resist the exploitation of capitalist society. For Debord, this iconic graffiti is the cornerstone of its academic career; a decade later, in the May 1968 student and workers’ movement, the slogan was widely adopted.