这不是我第一次来到捷克,却是首次参加vaclav novak先生邀请多次的捷克盆景国家展。在这个人口一千万、专业盆景人士几十名的东欧小国,居然能够举办国家级盆景大展,真让人有赶紧一睹其真相的冲动!离开布拉格,驱车三个钟头才到达主办展览的小镇Kormeriz,对于为什么在这个偏远的镇上举办展览,我感到匪夷所思。vaclav解释说这是为了将盆景文化推广到捷克各地,所以办展地点每年都会变。站在展会的入口,我酝酿一番情绪,在做好盆景数十盆、观众三五个的预想下,进入了一个装下140余盆各式盆景的巨大展厅,
This is not the first time I came to the Czech Republic, but it is my first time participating in the Czech Bonsai National Exhibition invited by Mr. vaclav novak many times. In this small population of 10 million, dozens of professional bonsai small Eastern European countries, actually able to hold a national bonsai exhibition really make people have a hurry to see the truth of the impulse! Leave Prague, drove three hours before the host exhibition Kormeriz, a small town, wonders why I had an exhibition in this remote town. Vaclav explains that this is to promote Bonsai culture across the Czech Republic, so the location of the exhibition changes every year. Standing at the entrance of the exhibition, I brew some emotions, doing a good job of dozens of basins pots, the audience envisioned three or five, into a fitted more than 140 pots of various bonsai huge exhibition hall,