肢端巨大症并发睡眠呼吸暂停通常是阻塞型,由上气道狭窄和大舌周期性的向后脱垂所致。作者报道1例伴有严重睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者,以 SMS201-995治疗6天而获得迅速改善。患者男,42岁为典型的肢端巨大症,虽其腺瘤已切除,但生长激素(GH)仍持续异常分泌。其血清的GH 的基础水平是25ng/ml,口服葡萄糖负荷和促甲状腺释放激素(TRH)后,GH 的浓度显示异常增加。主诉多恶梦、常由窒息感惊醒,由于频繁的长期睡眠呼吸暂停,表明有睡眠呼吸暂停综合征。安慰剂期间阻
Acromegaly complicated with sleep apnea is usually obstructive, due to the upper airway stenosis and large tongue periodically due to prolapse. The authors reported a rapid improvement in 1 patient with severe sleep apnea syndrome treated with SMS201-995 for 6 days. Male patient, 42 years old is a typical acromegaly, although the adenoma has been excised, but the growth hormone (GH) continued to abnormal secretion. The basal level of GH in their serum was 25 ng / ml, and the concentration of GH showed an abnormal increase after oral glucose load and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). The chief complaint is more nightmares, often awakened by suffocation, due to frequent long-term sleep apnea, indicating sleep apnea syndrome. During the placebo block