西红柿和黄瓜种子的脱出物的加工工艺及种子清选工艺由苏联摩尔达维亚蔬菜研究所的种子生产机械化试验室研制成功。这项工艺可以保证在最少的劳动消耗量情况下,使种子达到部门标准的要求。刚被分离出的西红柿和黄瓜种子经清洗后含有10%的碎渣和果皮,这些杂物和种子一起形成了不规则的团块。例如,在西红柿的种子中,直径在4mm 以上的团块数达到
Tomato and cucumber seed prolapse processing technology and seed cleaning process by the Soviet Moldavian Vegetable Research Institute of seed production mechanization laboratory successfully developed. This process ensures that the seed meets the sectoral standard with minimal labor consumption. The tomato and cucumber seeds that have just been separated contain about 10% of the debris and peel after washing, which together with the seeds form irregular clumps. For example, in tomato seeds, the number of clumps with a diameter of 4 mm or more is reached