利用非饱和土固结仪测得不同竖向应力及干密度下的玄武岩残积土土-水特征曲线,采用Van Genuchten模型对试验所得的土-水特征曲线进行拟合,比较和分析加压固结后,土体干密度、应力状态的改变对其土-水特征曲线的影响。结果表明:VG模型对所得数据的拟合度较高,适合玄武岩残积土土-水特征曲线的建模;竖向应力越大,土体水分越不容易排出,曲线越平缓,进气值、残余含水率与竖向应力呈正相关,当竖向应力超过400kPa时,竖向应力的增加对土-水特征曲线的影响减小;随着干密度的增大,残余含水率增大,土体的持水能力增强;竖向应力对土-水特征曲线的影响主要是通过改变土体的干密度来实现,而土体应力状态的改变对土-水特征曲线的影响较小。
The soil-water characteristic curves of basalt residual soil under different vertical stresses and dry densities were measured by using Unsaturated Soil Consolidator. The Van Genuchten model was used to fit the soil-water characteristic curve of the experiment. Compressive strength After the conclusion, soil dry density and stress state changes of soil - water characteristic curve. The results show that the fitting degree of VG model to the obtained data is high, which is suitable for the modeling of soil-water characteristic curve of basalt residual soil. The larger the vertical stress is, the less water is easily discharged, the more gentle the curve, The residual water content is positively correlated with the vertical stress. When the vertical stress exceeds 400kPa, the influence of the vertical stress on the soil-water characteristic curve decreases. As the dry density increases, the residual water content increases, The water holding capacity is enhanced. The effect of vertical stress on soil-water characteristic curve is mainly achieved by changing the dry density of soil, while the change of soil stress state has little effect on soil-water characteristic curve.