患者女,23岁。未婚。因腹泻下坠感1 d,突发胸痛、呼吸困难、晕厥于2003年1月4日急症入院。患者于4日展开始腹泻,大便稀少,无脓血,共3次,伴下坠感,但无腹痛。患者当时未加重视。但于来院前30 min突发胸痛、呼吸困难,继而发生晕厥,遂急来院就诊。入院查体:体温:36℃,血压:95/96 mm Hg。神志清,面色苍白,双肺呼吸音清。心率90次/min,节律规整。腹部平坦,左下腹压痛。查血常规:血红
Female patient, 23 years old. unmarried. Dysfunction due to diarrhea 1 d, sudden chest pain, dyspnea, syncope in January 4, 2003 emergency admission. Patients started diarrhea on the 4th, sparsely popliteal, abscess blood, a total of 3 times, with a sense of falling, but no abdominal pain. The patient did not pay attention at that time. However, 30 min before coming to hospital with sudden chest pain, difficulty breathing, followed by syncope, then rush to the hospital. Admission examination: body temperature: 36 ℃, blood pressure: 95/96 mm Hg. Conscious, pale, breathing breath clear lungs. Heart rate 90 beats / min, regular rhythm. Flat belly, left lower quadrant tenderness. Blood test: blood red