通过对北京地区不同建造时期、不同类型、不同造价档次的17栋住宅楼中45户住宅的178个房间进行室内采光质量调研,分析了该地区住宅建筑室内采光环境质量与《建筑采光设计标准》(GB/T 50033-2001)之间的差距,指出影响室内采光质量的基本因素是窗地面积比、采光口的光透射比、阳台挡光、建筑凹槽挡光、室外遮挡、建筑附属构件挡光、室内装修,并对以上影响因素的作用规律及影响程度进行了分析。
Through the investigation of indoor lighting quality in 178 rooms of 45 houses in 17 residential buildings with different types and prices in different construction periods in Beijing, the indoor lighting quality of residential buildings in this area and the “architectural lighting design standards” (GB / T 50033-2001). It is pointed out that the basic factors that affect the quality of indoor lighting are the area ratio of windows to the floor, the light transmittance of the light entrance, the balcony block light, the blockage of the building groove, the outdoor shelter, Block light, interior decoration, and the influence of the above factors and the extent of the impact of the law were analyzed.