在北京召开的第34届世界艺术史大会,有三个特色区别于以往各届。首先是得到了中国政府的大力支持,开幕式在钓鱼台国宾馆举行,庄严气派。其次是会议宗旨以一中一英表达:英文重申该国际常设学术活动的一贯宗旨,而中文强调中国艺术在世界文化格局中的重要性。最后一个显著变化是将International Congress of Art History改为World Congress of Art History。一字之改,赋予其以真正的世界性。
The 34th World Congress of Art History, held in Beijing, distinguishes itself from previous sessions with three distinctive features. The first is the strong support of the Chinese government. The opening ceremony was held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Second, the purpose of the conference is to express one China, one English: the English language reiterates its consistent aim of standing international academic activities, and Chinese emphasizes the importance of Chinese art in the world cultural pattern. The last significant change is the change of the International Congress of Art History to the World Congress of Art History. The word change, giving it a real world.