读完《农村电工》1995年第一期刊登的《血撼长空》,无不令人悲愤和震惊。刘志刚、张国荣两个忠于职守的农电工的壮烈牺牲,激起我满腔的愤怒。我呼吁电业战线上的同行们来口诛笔伐。 农村用电难管,农村电工难当已不是新闻,他们凭着奉献精神默默地工作,他们最大的希望就是用户能理解。如果连人身安全都得不到保障,谁又愿意干呢?执行公务查处偷窃电,追收电费,本身就是保护国家财产不受损失,降低用户电价。个别不法用户不但不理解,反而穷凶极恶行凶杀人,这不能不说是电业法规不健全引起的后果。
After reading “The Bloody Sky” published in the first issue of “Rural Electrician” in 1995, it was all grief and shock. The heroic sacrifices of the two faithful farm electricians, Liu Zhigang and Leslie Cheung, have aroused my anger. I call on colleagues in the electrical industry to speak up. Rural electricity is difficult to manage, and rural electricians are hardly news. They work silently with dedication. Their greatest hope is that users can understand. If even personal security is not guaranteed, who would be willing to do it? Conducting an official investigation and theft of electricity to recover the electricity bill itself is to protect the state’s property from losses and reduce the user’s electricity price. Individual illegal users not only do not understand, but they are extremely vicious and murderous. This cannot but be said to be the result of unsound laws and regulations.