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各地充分利用1.4万所中等职业学校和21.7万所乡村成人学校的资源开展农村劳动力转移培训,起到了投入少、见效快的作用,既推动了教育为“三农”服务,也为职业教育和成人教育发展拓展了空间。如,浙江省有1049所职成学校被各级政府确定为农民培训基地:其中,职业学校238所,乡镇成人学校811所(约占全省乡镇成人学校总数的58%);上海市有105所乡镇成人学校参与了农村劳动力转移培训,占学校总数的83%:湖南省教育厅发文,明确要求全省高职院校每所每年培训转移农村劳动力不少于2000人,中等职业学校每所每年培训转移农村劳动力不少于1500人,乡镇成人学校每所每年培训转移农村劳动力不少于1000人。通过近几年的改革与建设,各地形成了像四川省联合经济学校、四川合江少岷职业技术学校、青岛黄海职业学校、湖南怀化职业学校等一大批培训规模大、质量高、转移就业率高的农村劳动力转移培训基地。四川合江少岷职业技术学校坚持“为农民子女就业成才服务、为农村劳动力转移服务、为农民增收服务”的办学方向;坚持市场导向,提高办学活力;坚持质量意识,狠抓规范管理;坚持职教特色,强化技能训练,目前学校在校生达到1.96万人,农村学生占99%,毕业生就业率达到98%,建校5年共培养了3万多名各类实用人才,绝大部分到发达地区就业,学校成为川、滇、黔、渝诸省市远近闻名的农民子女和农民转移培训的重要基地。 All localities have made full use of the resources of 14,000 secondary vocational schools and 217,000 rural adult schools to carry out rural labor force transfer training and have played a role of less investment and quick results. They have not only promoted education as a service for “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” but also as a profession Education and adult education expand the space for development. For example, 1049 vocational schools in Zhejiang Province have been designated as peasant training bases by governments at all levels: 238 vocational schools, 811 township adult schools (accounting for 58% of the total number of township and town adult schools in the province), 105 The township adult schools participated in the transfer of rural labor force training, accounting for 83% of the total number of schools: Hunan Provincial Department of Education issued a document explicitly required the province’s vocational colleges every year the training of rural labor force transfer of not less than 2,000 people, secondary vocational schools each The annual training shall not be less than 1,500 for the transfer of rural laborers, and each year for the training of rural adult schools in rural townships shall not be less than 1,000 for the transfer of rural labor force. Through the reform and construction in recent years, a large number of large-scale, high-quality training and high employment transfer rates have emerged such as the joint school of economics in Sichuan Province, the Hejiang Shaomin Vocational and Technical School in Sichuan, the Huanghai Vocational School in Qingdao and Huaihua Vocational School in Hunan Rural labor transfer training base. Sichuan Hejiang Shaomin Vocational and Technical School adheres to the principle of “serving the peasants and children, serving the rural laborers and serving the peasants”; adhering to the market orientation and improving the vitality of the school; upholding the awareness of quality and paying close attention to standardized management; Vocational education features, strengthen skills training, the current school students reach 19,600 people, 99% of rural students, graduates employment rate reached 98%, 5 years of school training a total of more than 30,000 kinds of practical talents, the vast majority To employment in developed areas, the school became well-known in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Chongqing provinces farmer children and peasants transfer training important base.
营销的原点在于顾客需求,营销的动能在于把需求转化为价值产品。  营销的本质就是实现交换。这种交换行为萌芽于人类社会分工开始,出现剩余产品的物物交换,有了货币之后,演变为交换行为更为便利、交换内容更为丰富、交换范围更为广阔、交换形式更为多样的商业贸易行为,贯穿于人类文明发展史中。  然而,我们要看到的是,不管时代如何变迁,交换的外部环境及形式如何嬗变,交换行为产生的驱动力,仍旧是需求!没有需求,就不
根据我們最近了解,当前中央国家机关在文书处理部門立卷工作中还存在着几个值得注意的問題,现在提出来和同志們研究: 首先最普遍的問題是不能平时立卷(所謂平时立卷,主要指
KEYPOINTS■CardiovasculardiseasecontinuestobethenumberonecauseofdeathintheUnitedStates.■Coronaryarterydiseaseisthemajordiseaseofthecardiovascularsystem ;thisdi
HIV、梅毒、HCV是可通过血液和性接触传播的疾病 ,对人们危害甚大。特别是HIV ,目前尚无有效的治疗方法。本例HIV感染者是我县发现的首例 ,且为梅毒、HCV混合感染者。1 感染者资料1.1 患者