Since 1976, the authors co-line intranasal approach to pterygoid nerve electrocoagulation in 245 cases. The longest observation of 10 years of 137 cases, including 69 cases of nasosinusitis polyps, vasomotor rhinitis in 63 cases, 5 cases of vascular pain. The total improvement rate was 49.8%, with improvement of nasal obstruction (66%) and the lowest improvement rate of smell (43%). The patients with nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, tearing, sneezing, loss of smell and headache were all improved or worsened. If only from the vasomotor rhinitis, 80% of the cases of nasal obstruction improved significantly, the improvement rate of smell (54%), also higher than the total improvement rate; nasal polyps patients with symptoms lower rate of improvement than vasomotor Rhinitis, the improvement rate of its nasal congestion was 52%. The 137 patients up to 10 years of the results and the longest 120 cases