On October 19th, 1955, Lawrence, the director of the Institute of Atomic Research at the University of California, announced that the staff of the Institute had discovered a new type of basic particles after long-term research. The particles are called antiprotons or negative protons. Antiprotons were discovered by accelerating protons to 6.3 billion electron volts in a synchrophasic accelerator and then using it to bombard copper targets placed in accelerators. The result is a pair of heavy particles, one proton and the other antiproton. Antiprotons are stable in a vacuum and do not divide themselves. But when it meets with protons, the pair of protons turn into mesons and disappears. Interestingly, at the beginning of 1955, in the laboratory of the University of Rome, Italy, and the laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it was found almost simultaneously that the cosmic rays acted on the photographic latex, and some were caused by antiprotons. The mass of the antiproton is equal to the mass of the proton (?), and the charge is opposite.