青春期出现对异性的好感是很正常的。但对异性的好感并不意味着爱情,而是进入青春期以后性意识发展的结果。 进入青春期以后,性意识逐步发展,开始感到两性的差异。这时童年时期的“两小无猜”不见了,出现男女同学之间有意回避,各自独立的现象,这是性意识发展的第一阶段“异性疏远期”。时间不久,这种闭锁心理就逐渐开放,出现有意识地了解对方心理秘密、喜欢在异性面前表现自己等新的心理现象。男
It is normal for adolescence to feel good about the opposite sex. But the affection for the opposite sex does not mean love, but the result of the development of sexual consciousness after entering adolescence. After entering adolescence, sexual consciousness gradually developed and began to feel the difference between the sexes. At this moment, the “two little noises” in childhood are gone, and there is a phenomenon of deliberately avoiding and independent between male and female students. This is the first stage of heterosexual alienation in the development of sexual consciousness. Shortly after, this lock psychology gradually open, there is a conscious understanding of each other’s psychological secrets, likes to show themselves in the opposite sex and other new psychological phenomena. male