将达尔文进化论的思想推广到分子进化和科学理论发展等领域,形成了可称之为广义进化论的研究。在美国心理学家和进化认识论创始人唐纳德.坎贝尔(Donald T.Campbell)提出的广义进化论原理的基础上,本文结合复杂性科学的研究,认为广义进化论的原理主要是:系统的盲目多样性与变异原理和系统的自组织与选择保存原理。广义进化论为物质系统、生命系统以及知识与社会系统的进化提供了一种新的整体论的研究进路。
The idea of Darwin’s theory of evolution is extended to such fields as molecular evolution and development of scientific theory, forming what can be called a generalized theory of evolution. Based on the theory of generalized evolution proposed by American psychologist and Donald T. Campbell, the author of evolutionary epistemology, this dissertation, combined with the study of complexity science, holds that the principle of generalized evolution is mainly the systematic blind distinction and Variation principle and system self-organization and selection preservation principle. Generalized evolution provides a new holistic approach to the evolution of material systems, life systems, and knowledge and social systems.