2004年是现象学伦理学家M.舍勒(MaxScheler, 1874—1928)的 130周年诞辰。中国现象学研究界于 2004年 10月中旬在广州举行现象学第十届年会,讨论题目定为“现象学与伦理”。此次会议吸引了诸多国内外重要学者参加,提交会议论文 50余篇,这里刊登其中两篇。A.麦金太尔在《德性之后》中曾认为, 当代的主要哲学思潮现象学和分析哲学都无力觉察到我们身临其中的道德无序状态, 并且无法提供解决这个问题的思想资源。K.黑尔德的文章实际上展示了对这个说法的一个回应, 同时又对麦金太尔给予了支持。倪梁康的文章试图再现舍勒伦理学中作为方法依托出现的“伦常明察”范畴。它是亚里士多德“明智”概念的现代版, 并且以现象学的方式, 帮助舍勒在偏重动机 (意向活动) 的道义论伦理学和偏重成效 (意向相关项) 的目的论伦理学之间找到自己的道德哲学的位置。
2004 is the 130th anniversary of the phenomenological ethicist Max Scheler (1874-1928). The Chinese phenomenological research community held the Tenth Annual Conference of Phenomenology in Guangzhou in mid-October 2004 and the topic of discussion was “Phenomenology and Ethics.” The conference attracted many important scholars at home and abroad to attend, submit more than 50 conference papers, published two of them here. A. McIntyre once thought in “After the Virtue” that contemporary phenomenology of major philosophical trends and analytic philosophy are unable to perceive the moral disorder in which we are exposed and can not provide the ideological resources to solve this problem. K. Herder’s article actually showed a response to this claim, while at the same time supporting MacIntyre. Ni Liangkang’s essay attempts to reproduce the category of “Lunchangchangming” relied on as a method in Scheler’s ethics. It is a modern version of Aristotle’s concept of “sensibleness,” and, in a phenomenological way, helps Scheler in the ethics of morality and the teleological ethics of interest-oriented (intent-to-interest) Find the place for your moral philosophy.