Old Jacket, New Jacket

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  “This blue jacket will fit* you, Iris,” said Mum.
  Iris looked at the jacket. It was her sister Dana’s old jacket.
  “I don’t want that old thing,” said Iris. “I want a new jacket.”
  “But this is a good jacket,” said Mum. “It will look good on you, Iris.*”
  Iris felt sad. She wanted a jacket just for her.
  Iris looked at the jacket. She wanted to make it special*.
  fit /fIt/ v. 适合
  special /5speFEl/ adj. 特别的
  It will look good on you, Iris.
  She put a heart pin(心形别针) on it. That didn’t look right. But the pin gave Iris an idea*.
  “Mum, can I use some things in your sewing(缝纫) box?” Iris asked.
  “Sure,” said Mum.
  Iris opened the sewing box. She took out some red cloth* and some white cloth. She cut the red cloth in the shape(形状) of a heart.
  idea /aI5dIE/ n. 想法, 念头
  cloth /kl W/ n. 布
  “Oh, I see what you are doing,” Mum said.* “Do you want some help?”
  “Yes, please,” said Iris. “I want red hearts and white stars.”
  “OK,” said Mum.
  Iris cut out three red hearts. Mum put one heart on the back* of the jacket. She put two hearts on the front* of the jacket.
  Then Mum cut out lots of stars. She put them on the front of the jacket and on the back, too.
  back /bAk/ n. 后面
  front /frQnt/ n. 前面
  “Oh, I see what you are doing,” Mum said.
  Mum took out some gold* beads(珠子) and asked, “Would you like some gold beads on your jacket?”
  “Oh, yes!” said Iris. “Red hearts, white stars and gold beads. That will be beautiful!”
  “Here is your new jacket,” Mum said to Iris at last(最终).
  Iris put on the jacket. She looked at the back, and she looked at the front. Iris loved her new jacket very much.
  gold /^EJld/ adj. 金色的
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