
来源 :电力建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jenjen1985
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南方五省区及其近海地区新能源资源储备丰富,大规模发展风能、太阳能等新能源发电,将有助于缓解南方各省区能源短缺和环境污染等方面的矛盾。同时,作为“西部大开发”战略的重要组成部分,“西电东送”是优化南方五省区电力资源配置、促进经济结构调整的一项重要举措,也会对各省区的新能源开发和消纳产生影响。从南方电网“西电东送”特性和送受端电网新能源发电特性的相互作用机理出发,运用含新能源的南方电网中长期运行模拟手段,分析南方电网“西电东送”特性对送受端电网新能源消纳能力的影响,为“西电东送”送电水平的合理确定和各省区新能源开发时序的合理安排提供参考。 The reserves of new energy resources in the five southern provinces and their offshore areas are abundant. The large-scale development of new energy sources such as wind power and solar energy will help alleviate the energy shortage and environmental pollution in the southern provinces. At the same time, as an important part of the “Western Development Strategy,” “West-East Electricity Transmission” is an important measure to optimize the allocation of electricity resources and promote economic restructuring in the five provinces in the south, and will also affect the provinces and regions. New energy development and consumption have an impact. From the interaction mechanism between the characteristics of China Southern Power Grid and “West-to-East Power Transmission,” and the characteristics of power generation at the receiving and receiving grids, the medium- and long-term operation simulation method of the South China Power Grid containing new energy is used to analyze the South China Power Grid and “West-to-East Electricity Transmission”. The influence of the characteristics on the receiving capacity of the receiving end of the grid’s new energy sources provides a reference for the reasonable determination of the “transmitted power from the west to the east” and the reasonable arrangement of the new energy development sequence in each province.
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<正> 蓝舌病病毒(BT V)是呼肠弧病毒科,环状病毒属的分节段、双股RNA(dsRNA)病毒。其病毒基因组由10个分子量大小不一的dsRNAs片段组成,在SDS-PAGE上显示10条带。10个dsRNA片
<正> 常规制备的动物疫病诊断抗原效价较低,因此,实验室常采用透析或离心处理的方法来提高抗原的滴度,但这两种处理方法操作程序较复杂,又受设备条件的限制,所以,要求制备高