据《三国志》所载,蜀汉政权的后期出现了宦官黄皓专政,并且导致了蜀汉的灭亡,即《三国志·蜀书·陈祗传》(以下凡引《三国志》均只注某传)所说:“(黄皓)操弄威柄,终至覆国。”可见情况十分严重,它无疑是蜀汉政治上的一件大事。尽管是件坏事,可事关一个偏霸政权的存亡,也是值得注意和研究的。 黄皓算是这件坏事的首恶分子,史书理当备载其恶,以惩奸佞,为后世戒。陈寿作《三国志》没有立宦官传,黄皓的事迹,零星地散见各传,又语焉不详;裴松之作注,对此补充也很少。千余年之后,我们来研究黄皓专政与覆国这件事的历史,就难于了解其本末,自然
According to the “Three Kingdoms” contained in the later period of the regime of Shu Han eunuch Huang Hao dictatorship, and led to the demise of the Shu Han, the “Three Kingdoms Book of Shu · Chen Zhichuan” (hereinafter referred to “Three Kingdoms” are only note a certain biography) said: “(Huang Hao) manipulation of Wei Zhan, and finally cover the country.” It can be seen that the situation is very serious, it is undoubtedly a political event in Shu Han. Although it is a bad thing, it can be related to the survival of a tyrannical regime, which deserves our attention and study. Huang Hao is regarded as the vandal of this bad thing, history book should be prepared to evil, to punish 佞, as the later eulogy. Chen Shouzuo “Three Kingdoms” did not erect eunuch official biography, Huang Hao’s deeds, sporadically scattered biography, but also did not elaborate; Pei Songzhi as a note, this supplement is also very small. More than a thousand years later, when we study the history of Huang Hao’s dictatorship and the nation coverage, it is hard to understand its essence and nature