Unit6 Go Out and Enjoy Life Reading:The Fountain Square的教学设计

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  1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握和运用描写周围环境的词汇和短语,如:peaceful,lively,noisy,downtown,surround,far away,next to,on one’s left等;学生能根据课文了解景点的的介绍。
  2. 能力目标:提高学生阅读能力和查找整理相关信息的能力;学生要知道如何简要地描述一处自己感兴趣的地方。
  3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生感受周围环境美的能力;助力学生培养和提高到户外享受生活的习惯和能力。
  此教学实设计包含2课时,每课时40分钟,其中Stage1 Pre-reading,Stage2 While-reading的step1,step2是第一课时,Stage2 While-reading的step3,step4以及Stage3 Post-reading是第二課时。
  Stage1 Pre-reading
  Step1 Revision
  Ask ss to ask for directions to the Museum of Suqian and use the useful words and phrases to give the directions about how to the Museum of Suqian. After that ss need to make a conversation on asking for and giving directions to the Museum of Suqian.
  Purpose:to revise the emphasis learnt last class and let ss apply what they have learnt into practice.
  Step2 Lead-in
  1. video show
  Show ss a short cartoon video with a Chinese children’s song;ss need to express in English the theme of the song,which agrees with that of this class.
  2. picture show
  Ss watch some pictures of common vehicles and tell their English names to popularize the English names of common vehicles.
  Purpose:to lead to the reading passage through the video show and picture show
  Stage2 While-reading
  Step1 Fast- reading
  Ask ss to read the passage quickly and find the answer to the following 3 questions:
  Q1:Can you find the topic sentence of the passage?
  Q2:Why does the author like the fountain square?
  Q3:When does the author go to the fountain square?
  Purpose:to improve ss’ ability to make clear the main idea by skimming and scanning the passage and the ability to gain important information quickly from a long passage.
  Step2 Careful- reading
  Ask ss to read the passage carefully to find the answer to the following 5 questions:
  Q1: Where is the Fountain Square?
  Q2:What kind of place do some young people love according to the text?
  Q3: Why does the author prefer the less popular place?   Q4: What kind of place is the Fountain Square?
  A. peaceful B. big C. small
  D. very popular E. beautiful F. charming
  Q5: What are there in the Fountain Square?
  Purpose:to make ss understand the passage thoroughly,know about more information about the Fountain Square and learn how to describe an interesting place by finishing the reading task.
  Step3 Language points
  Ask ss underline the important phrases and expressions and tell ss how to use them by making sentences;
  Ask ss underline the difficult sentence patterns and give necessary explanation to help ss to grasp the usage of these language points.
  Purpose:to make ss know the meaning of the important phrases and expressions and the difficult sentence patterns so as to achieve the knowledge aim by reading.
  Step4 Consolidation
  Ask ss to finish 3 different kinds of exercises by themselves and have a check how well they do. The difficult degree of the exercises is increasing.
  Purpose:to make ss consolidate the meaning of the important phrases and expressions,the understanding of the passage and the usage of the important sentence patterns they learn so as to achieve the 3-dimension aims.
  Stage3 Post-reading
  Step1 Pictures Show
  Show some pictures of local scenic spots and ask ss to guess where they are respectively.
  Purpose:to make ss get familiar with the places of interest in their home town and know their English names so that they can feel proud with their own hometown and appreciate nearby beauty by going out so as to enjoy life.
  Step2 Learning to sing
  Help ss learn to sing a children’s song of English on the Hymalaya through the mobile phone.
  Purpose:1. to introduce ss good Eglish learning platforms:WeChat and Hymalaya;
  2. to make ss know the importance of making full use of their mobile phones to study or improve themselves instead of killing time online .
  Step3 Creation Show
  1. Show ss 2 little childre’s songs of English of which the lyrics were written by myself and composed by one of my former students,a fellow student of my current ss.
  Purpose:1. to have ss know that when they go out to play,they can try to make some creation as long as they are able to feel the beauty and glamour nearby;
  2. to make ss clear the truth that creation is not far from you and creation can make you enjoy life on a higher level. Since I can,you can! Just try!   3. Introduce ss the 20 items of Suqian Civilization
  Purpose:1. to remind ss what they should and shouldn’t do when going out by giving the criteria for words and needs in public;
  2. to meet the need of ideological and political education
  Step4 Sum-up
  Summarize what is mainly taught through diagrams.
  Purpose:to make ss understand clearly what has been taught through 3 diagrams
  Step5 Assignments
  Assign ss 2 pieces of homework.
  1. Introduce in English one of places of interest in Suqian and how to go there.
  2. Teach yourself one more English song through Hymalaya after class.
  Purpose:1. to make ss apply what they have learnt in class into practice;
  2. to help ss learn Eglish by singing English songs;
  3. to make ss learn to teach themselves on mobile phone and enjoy life.
  3、Creation Show 教学环节通过师生的原创作品激发学生创作的热情,提高创作的自信心,引导学生通过创造性学习,享受更高质量的生活;同时,要想实现这个环节的教学目标,要求学生各方面素质和能力较高,不是一蹴而就的。
  4、教师原计划把Introduce in English one of places of interest in Suqian and how to go there这个作业放在读后作为一个口头讨论的课堂环节的,但是在几个平行班几次试讲后发现这样对学生来说任务较难,最后调整成课后作业之一。所以如何设计科学合理的课堂任务,还将是教师今后努力的方向。
摘 要:世界各国外交风格的差异决定了这些国家的外交语言各具特色。本文在分析中国外交语言特点的基础上,探讨了相应的翻译策略,如归化策略和异化策略。了解每个国家的外语特点,有助于外国译者准确、忠实地传达原语的内涵和外延。避免不必要的疏漏和误译,将在对外事务中起到更好的沟通和交流作用。  关键词:外交语言;翻译策略;政治;词汇;交流  一、引言  作为一名翻译家,葛鲁阳提出,在翻译外交词汇和短语时,尤其
摘 要:随着时代的变换,人们的生活质量越来越高,学生数量不断扩大,那么问题就涌现出来了。对于不爱学习的学生,逃课替课也许是常态,对于老师而言,教授大量的学生同时还要监督学生上课学习的到场情况就是一大难题。  基于人脸识别的智慧校园系统是将人脸识别技术与学校的基础监控设施联系起来,可以有效的对学校的管理进行辅助和建议。可以使用人脸识别技术直接进行人脸识别签到考勤工作,可以有效防止旷课,替课现象,也可
摘 要:围绕培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人这一根本问题,必须全面加强党对教育工作的领导。因此组织育人是高校思想政治工作的重要组成部分,是大思政工作格局的主要支撑和主要引导者。同时,学校大思政工作格局建设为组织建设和育人功能提供融合平台,有效提升组织育人的实效性。  关键词:组织育人;大思政工作格局  习近平总书记指出,培养什么人,是教育的首要问题,我国高等教育肩负着为中国特色社会主义事业培养建
摘 要:城市化建设进程不断加快,园林工程作为城市建设中关键组成部分,其在城市化发展中发挥的作用也越来越大。传统的园林工程施工技术已经不足以满足时代发展需要,必须引入新技术、新材料,构建出符合现代人审美需求、娱乐休闲需求的。本文首先对园林工程施工进行简单概述,然后提出新技术与新材料在园林工程施工中的应用。  关键词:园林工程;新技术;新材料;应用  在人民生活水平日益提升的今天,人们从物质追求逐渐转
摘 要:无论是在工作中还是生活中,计算机已经越来越成为人们必不可少的伙伴。随着电脑的普及,电脑维护维修技术也日益成熟,并成为一个逐渐升温的技术领域。如何辨别计算机故障,使计算机尽快从故障中恢复过来,这就要求用户要具备一定的计算机基本维护技能,出现常见故障时可以及时排除  关键词:计算机维护,维修;技术  计算机又被称为电脑,是一种智能型的电子设备。由硬件和软件两部分组成。其具有运算速度快、精确度高
摘 要:滑稽模仿是一种古老的文学形式或手法,部分英美法系和大陆法系国家都对其存在及合理使用采取了相当宽容的态度。根据我国《著作权法》以及相关司法解释的规定,滑稽模仿作品在我国的存在也应具有合法性。  关键词:滑稽模仿;独创性;合理使用;保护作品完整权;公共利益  一、问题的提出  随着网络的发展,用网络视频剪辑和图片制作表达个人看法变得愈来愈方便。在胡某滑稽模仿陈凯歌的电影《无极》形成新作品《一个
摘 要:随着我国城市消费性服务行业的快速发展,各类市场主体增长速度只增不减,消费性服务业发展规模不断扩大。在城市消费性服务业发展进程中,仍然避免不了存在竞争力弱、对外开放程度地以及供给结构不合理等问题。在此背景下,文章以大连市为例,就如何推动城市消费性服务业快速发展提出了几点政策建议,希望能给相关地区行业的发展提供有效的参考建议。  关键词:城市经济;消费性服务业;政策建议  一、城市消费性服务业
摘 要:隨着近年来大学生应征入伍的人数大幅增长,退役大学生人数也相应增长。这一特殊群体经过军营生活的历练,他们思想道德过硬、生活作风优良,高校如何引导这一群体利用自己的特点和优势在整个学生群体中发挥榜样引领作用,是值得研究的课题。本篇文章从社会认同理论视角,研究促进退役大学生发挥榜样引领所用的策略。  关键词:社会认同理论;退役大学生;榜样引领作用;  一、社会认同理论的概念及在国内外发展概括  
摘 要:本文以广州大学松田学院创新创业教育为例,研究高等院校在信息化条件下如何围绕大学生创新精神、创业意识和创业能力来建设实践实训平台,并通过加强创新创业体制机制建设、师资建设、课程建设、实践建设和文化建设等借助校外企业及区域经济优势,研究协同育人模式。帮助高校培养创新能力,塑造双创人才。  关键词:信息化;创新创业;实训平台;协调育人  广州大学松田学院坚持以创新创业教育改革为突破口,深化教育教
摘 要:随着时代的进步与国内金融市场的不断扩大,市场上涌现出了越来越多的投资公司。在激烈的市场竞争下,投资公司想获得久远的发展,必须加强内部控制,提升财务管理水平,尤其重视资金管理。资金对于企业来说是最为重要的流动资产,就像企业的“血液”一样,贯穿于企业的各项活动,为企业的经营、投资、筹资、利润分配等提供必要且有力的支持。如果资金流动不畅或是断裂,势必会影响企业的正常运作,甚至可能导致企业处于生死