在五光十色,琳琅满目的商品世界,每种商品都有自己的牌号。给商品命名,十分重要,其中学问颇多,本文只能略举一二。 一、要严肃稳定,忌违法多变。 品牌(商品的名称)是商品的文字商标的基础,是文图组合商标的重要组成部分。创作与制定品牌要严肃,首先要符合国家商标法和国际商标法的有关规定。如禁止使用与国家名称、国际组织名称相同或相近的词语作商标,禁止使用带有民族歧视性的,夸大宣传并带有欺骗性的词句作商标。其次,要符合
In the colorful, colorful world of commodities, each commodity has its own brand. Naming a product is very important. There are quite a lot of questions in it. This article can only give a brief explanation. First, we must be serious and stable, avoid violating the law. The brand (name of the commodity) is the basis of the word mark of the product and is an important part of the combination of the text and graphics. In order to be serious about the creation and branding, we must first meet the relevant provisions of the national trademark law and the international trademark law. If it is forbidden to use the same or similar words as the name of the country or international organization for the trademark, it is forbidden to use trademarks that are ethnically discriminatory, exaggerated, and deceptive. Second, to meet