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盥论监督,是新闻媒体的基本职能之一,是党的新闻工作者的神圣职责。而批评性报道,则是新闻媒体实施舆论监督的一种主要手段。它与“正确舆论引导人”相辅相承,不可或缺。有许多问题,通过媒体曝光、批评得以及时解决,广大群众(读者)拍手称快,主管部门如释重负,效果往往比开会、发文要好得多。反面“文章”,正面效应,效果积极,大快人心,已是不争的事实。 但是,由于批评性报道自身特点所决定,有些人对此持有排斥甚至反感的态度。有人片面地将舆论监督与团结、稳定、鼓劲,正面宣传为主的方针对立起来,使得舆论监督,揭露性、批评性报道在实施过 Supervision by one man is one of the basic functions of the news media and is the sacred duty of the party’s journalists. The critical reporting is a major means by which news media can exercise public opinion supervision. It and “correct guidance of public opinion” complement each other, indispensable. There are many problems that can be promptly solved through media exposure and criticism. The broad masses of the public (readers) clap their hands fast and the authorities are relieved of their burdens. The results tend to be much better than those of meetings and documents. Opposite “article”, the positive effect, the effect is positive, the happy life, is an indisputable fact. However, due to the characteristics of critical reports, some people hold the attitude of rejection or even resentment. Someone unilaterally set the principle of public opinion supervision and unity, stability, encouragement and positive publicity as the mainstay, so that public opinion supervision, unclarified and critical reports have been implemented
组蛋白H3 K27突变的高级别胶质瘤在形态学上相对一致,而H3 G34突变的肿瘤为组织学明显异质性的一组肿瘤,镜下可以是经典的胶质母细胞瘤(GBM),也可以是中枢神经系统原始神经外
曾任广西壮族自治区政府主席的成克杰,因受贿罪被判处死刑。已退休的广西日报原社长、总编辑李明德闻讯精神为之一振,并揭露了成克杰当年压制舆论监督的丑行。 李明德在担任广
武警新疆总队伊犁州支队针对新形势下对敌斗争的特点和部队的实际 ,认真落实保密规定 ,严格执行宣传纪律 ,确保了新闻报道中无泄密和违反有关政策法规的问题。   这个支队
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目的:肝纤维化是多种病因导致慢性肝病共有的病理改变,肝纤维化的显著特征是细胞外基质(Extracellular matrix,ECM)的增加和成分的改变。目前研究表明,肝星状细胞(HSC)的活化和
目的: 探讨儿童脱髓鞘疾病的临床特点、诊断、治疗及相关因素,增加临床医生对儿童脱髓鞘疾病的认识,以提高对该类疾病的诊断与治疗水平。 方法: 将该院1993年9月~2008