体外授精的成功率与卵母细胞的发育状况有关,若卵母细胞完成了第一次核分裂或再开始核分裂时,体外授精的成功率即明显提高。许多哺乳动物的 LH(促黄体生成素)分泌与核分裂再开始的关系已有报导。作者用快速 LH 放射免疫测定及腹腔镜回收卵母细胞的方法,观察自然周期中 LH 峰与卵母细胞成熟之间的时间关系。试验者为22例不孕症患者,月经不规则者用克罗米芬治疗调节。按基础体温(BBT)预计在排卵前2天到医院,每4小时采血测 LH,每晨超声波检查卵泡大小及位置。尽可能在 LH 峰出现后16~
The success rate of in vitro fertilization and oocyte development status, if the oocyte to complete the first nuclear fission or re-start nuclear fission, the success rate of in vitro fertilization is significantly increased. The relationship of LH (luteinizing hormone) secretion to the resumption of mitosis in many mammalian species has been reported. The authors used rapid LH radioimmunoassay and laparoscopic recovery of oocytes, observed the natural cycle of LH peak and oocyte maturation time relationship. Test for 22 cases of infertility patients, irregular menstruation with clomiphene citrate treatment regulation. According to basal body temperature (BBT) is expected to 2 days before ovulation to the hospital, every 4 hours blood test LH, each morning ultrasound examination of follicular size and location. As much as possible in the LH peak after 16 ~