用卷叶率、为害级别和严重度 3个指标评价了克螟稻 2号及其亲本秀水 11对稻蓟马的抗感性。结果表明 ,克螟稻2号较秀水 11在 3种指标上存在着极显著的差异 ,克螟稻 2号较感虫 ;两品种上单位叶面积成虫数量差异均不显著 ,而卵量和若虫数量的差异显著 ;说明高密度的稻蓟马若虫将对克螟稻 2号为害更严重
The anti-susceptibility of Kemidao 2 and its parent Xiushui 11 to M. thrips was evaluated using three indexes of leaf volume, pest level and severity. The results showed that there was a significant difference between Kedao 2 and Xiushui 11 in the three indexes. Kekedao 2 was more susceptible than the susceptible ones. There was no significant difference in the number of adults per unit leaf area between the two cultivars, The number of significant differences; indicating that high-density rice thrips nymphs will be on Ke Di rice 2 more serious damage