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人的一生有无数选择。胡社生,一名普通的基层教育工作者,为了山区的孩子有书读、读好书,选择当地最偏远、最艰苦的衡南县川口,一头扎进,全力以赴,短短两年时间,学校危房面积减少近80%,川口教育开始走上良性发展的道路。而48岁的他,却因身体严重透支,7月26日突发心肌梗塞,以身殉职。他用生命诠释了对教育事业的爱,扛起了发展农村教育的责任。“危改”不遗余力,两年瘦了10多公斤2003年,县教育局决定让时任花桥镇学区副主任的 There are countless choices in human life. Hu Shensheng, an ordinary grassroots educator, has read and read good books for children in the mountainous areas and has chosen Jianchuan, the most remote and hardest local county in Hengnan County, to plunge and go all out. In just two years, School dilapidated area decreased by nearly 80%, Kawaguchi education began to embark on the path of healthy development. The 48-year-old, but because of serious overdraft, myocardial infarction July 26 sudden death. He explained his love for education through life and shouldered the responsibility of developing rural education. “Dangerous change ” To spare no effort, two years lost more than 10 kilograms 2003, County Board of Education decided to let the time Huaqiao Town School District Deputy Director
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In order to understand the immune responses to lens protein in patients with congenital cataract, the passive hemagglutination assay for humoral immunity and t
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The coordination structure of aluminum in magnesium aluminum hydroxide was studied by 27Al NMR. The result showed that tetrahedral aluminum (AlIV) existed in m