辽宁省海城市感王镇,是辽东半岛北端的一个小镇。十一届三中全会以后,这里发生了翻天复地的变化:尽管屡遭洪涝、风雹等自然灾害,粮食、蔬菜产量和农民的收入,却年年成倍增长。全镇29个村,其中15个被称为蔬菜专业村,全镇蔬菜收入占农业总收入的60%以上。感王人用自己的智慧和创造力走出了靠冬淡季蔬菜致富之路,“万元户”们纷纷破土而出。他们的经验,将给我国北方农村以启迪。一、温室的发展状况及经验 1.镇政府的鼓励政策。十一届三中全会以后,镇政府根据当地条件,在贷款、调地、供种、供农药化肥及温室材料等方面,采取了一系列的鼓励政策,使温室的发展逐年成倍增长。1980年感王温室总长度(因感王温室宽度一般均在5.5—6.0米之间,故仅以
Wang Town, Liaoning Province, a sense of the town, is the northern end of Liaodong Peninsula, a small town. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress, earth-shaking changes have taken place here. Despite frequent natural disasters such as floods and hailings, the output of grain and vegetables and the incomes of farmers have doubled year after year. The town of 29 villages, of which 15 are known as vegetable specialty village, the town vegetable income accounted for more than 60% of total agricultural income. Feeling of the King with their own wisdom and creativity out of the winter season by the road to rich vegetables, “million households” who have ground-breaking. Their experience will inspire our rural areas in northern China. First, the greenhouse’s development status and experience 1. The town government’s incentive policies. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the town government adopted a series of incentive policies in accordance with local conditions in respect of loans, transfer of land, supply of fertilizers, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and greenhouse materials to double the growth of the greenhouse each year. Wang felt the total length of the greenhouse in 1980 (due to the sense of Wang greenhouse width are generally 5.5-6.0 meters, so only