
来源 :日本医学介绍 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjc
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日本的GERD呈迅速增加态势,患病率约为社会人口的7%。目前,本病的内镜诊断采用黏膜断裂(mucosal break)概念即推广洛杉矶分类方案(A~D级)作为国际标准。但日本多使用包括N及M(minimal change)级上述方案的修订版。洛杉矶方案从一开始即强调要探讨内镜医师之间的一致性,而事实上在具有黏膜断裂的A~D级病例其一致率高,但在M级病例却较低,亦即在客观判断上存在问题。 Japan’s GERD is rapidly increasing, with a prevalence of about 7% of the social population. At present, the endoscopic diagnosis of this disease uses the concept of mucosal break, which promotes the LA classification scheme (A to D level) as an international standard. However, Japan uses a revised version of the above scheme that includes N and M (minimal change). From the outset, the LA program emphasizes the need to explore the consistency among endoscopists. In fact, the consistency rate is high in patients with grade A ~ D with mucosal rupture but lower in patients with M grade, that is, objectively judged There is a problem.
康熙帝上任的时候,明朝覆亡、清朝入关才十几年,稳固政权的任务落到他身上。从哪里入手呢?经过长期观察,康熙帝发现官场现状与他的政治理想很不匹配,必须先抓吏治。  细想官场种种严峻问题,有的来自明朝的遗传,有的来自马上民族自身的不适应,总括起来不外三种情况。  普遍油滑懒惰。立国之初,百废待兴,面对接踵而至的急事难事,大臣们每天反复讨论,一副郑重其事的样子,结果总是议而不决,不是建议交给地方政府、就是