位于布鲁塞尔市中心的大广场是一处世界文化遗产,广场及其四周建筑完好地保存了18世纪的建筑风貌,也是布鲁塞尔历史文化的核心地带。广场西南面的建筑是市政大楼,东北面与其遥遥相望的古老建筑叫“Maison du Roi”——“国王宅邸”(或国王之家),这就是布鲁塞尔市城市博物馆的所在地。它曾代表了皇权,与象征着城市自治权力的市政大楼对立百年,见证了城市的历史更替与兴衰。如今作为讲述布鲁塞尔历史与文化的博物馆更加融入到这座城市的血脉之中。
Located in the heart of Brussels, the Grand Place is a World Heritage Site that preserves the 18th-century architecture of the square and its surrounding buildings and is the heart of Brussels’ history and culture. The building to the southwest of the square is the Municipal House, the ancient building northeast of which is just across the street called “Maison du Roi” - “King’s Mansion” (or kings’ house), home of the Brussels City Museum . It represented the imperial power and opposed to the municipal building which symbolized the autonomy of the city for centuries, witnessing the historical change and rise and fall of the city. Today, as a museum about the history and culture of Brussels, it is more integrated into the blood of the city.