佳米兰(Jamilah F1)系2004年自美国引进的西葫芦新品种,适于在河南省作保护地和露地栽培。1特征特性春播或晚秋播种,从播种到第一次采瓜45 ̄55天。果实圆柱形,瓜条顺直,大小为22cm×6cm,表皮浅绿色,肉质细腻,耐贮性好,口味好。植株生长健壮,长势强,蔓长1.5m左右。抗病性强,高抗
Jamilah F1 is a new zucchini variety introduced from the United States in 2004 and suitable for protected and open field cultivation in Henan Province. 1 Characteristics Spring or late autumn sowing, from sowing to harvest the first 45 to 55 days. Fruit cylindrical, Guazhe straight, the size of 22cm × 6cm, epidermal light green, delicate meat, storability, good taste. Plant growth robust, strong growth, vine length 1.5m. Disease resistance, high resistance