Can HB vaccine yield a booster effect on individuals with positive serum anti-HBs and anti-HBc marke

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xp108999
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AIM: To evaluate if HB vaccination can yield a booster effecton the anti-HBs level of those naturally acquired HBV positivemarkers.METHODS: Sera were collected from 1399 newly enrolleduniversity students aged between 18-20 years at theentrance medical examination in 2001. Forty-four students(28 males and 16 females) with positive serum anti-HBs and anti-HBc markers served as an observation group and another 44 students (24 males and 20 females) without any HBV markers as the control. HB vaccination was given to all the students without positive serum HBs Ag according to 0,1, 6 month regimen and the peripheral venous blood was sampled from those of both observation and control groups for anti-HBs detection one month after the second and third doses. Anti-HBs levels were measured by ELISA.RESULTS: The seroconversion rate of anti-HBs in the control group was 100% after the second dose, but the geometric mean titers (GMTs) were low. The tendency of serum anti-HBs changes after the 3rd dose was completely different between the two groups. Although more than half of those with positive anti-HBs and anti-HBc showed a mild increase of anti-HBs levels after the 2nd boosting dose (mean anti-HBs level was 320:198 mIU), but the increase of serum anti-HBs titer was much smaller than that in the control group. The averages of their initial serum anti-HBs levelsand the levels after the 2nd and 3rd doses were 198, 320 and 275 mIU respectively. All the subjects from the control group had an obvious increase in their serum anti-HBs levels which was nearly 4 times the baseline level (302:78 mIU).CONCLUSION: HB vaccination can not enhance anti-HBs levels in those with positive serum anti-HBs and anti-HBc markers.
目的 探讨不同内固定方法治疗不稳定型桡骨远端骨折的临床疗效。方法2004年1月至2009年1月,我院对50例不稳定型桡骨远端骨折患者采用克氏针或钢板内固定,必要时行自体髂骨植骨
AIM: Gallstone disease is increasing in sub-saharan Africa (SSA).In the west, the majority of stones can be dissolved with bile salts, since the major component
目的 研究宫腔填塞纱条用于剖腹产术后大出血的改善效果.方法 经过对本院2015年4月~2018年4月收治的100例剖腹产术后大出血患者临床资料采取回顾分析,随机分为两组均为50例,对
1 病例报告  患者,男,46岁。因发热咳嗽2 d,于2009年6月5日来院就诊,患者2 d前无明显诱因出现发热咳嗽,T37.5℃~38.2℃,无心悸胸闷、胸痛,自服维C银翘片无好转。患者既往体健,无药物过敏史,查体:T37.9℃,P72次/min,Bp120/80 mm Hg,双肺呼吸音粗,未闻及明显干湿啰音。X线胸片示肺部炎性反应,实验室检查示血常规:WBC 13.8×109/L,心电图正常
漫漫暑期,陪伴我们时间最长的水果非西瓜莫属,它已成为整个夏季的标识!      西瓜身世  西瓜既然姓“西”,顾名思义是“从西域传过来的瓜”。西瓜原产于非洲,4000年前埃及人首先在尼罗河流域加以栽培,五代时期传入我国,并由此成为夏令的主要瓜果:古人很早就知道冰镇后的西瓜更清暑,其方法是把西瓜放在竹篮里吊到水井中浸泡。    清凉功效,消暑宝贝  炎热季节,人体除缺乏水分而产生口渴外,大量出汗引起
目的 探讨p53基因的表达在恶性黑色素瘤(MM)发生发展中的作用.方法 应用免疫组化SP法检测45例MM,30例非典型痣,20例黑色素痣及20例MM旁正常皮肤中p53基因的表达情况.结果 p53基因在MM中的阳性表达率为46.7%(21/45);在非典型痣中的阳性表达率为83.3%(25/30);在黑色素痣及MM旁正常皮肤中的阳性表达率均为100.0%(20/20).非典型痣、黑色素痣、MM旁正常