石英微粉是一种较理想的无机填料,开发石英微粉技术应在磨矿细度、产品纯度和表面改性下功夫。DG 永磁磁选机和 SXG 型擦洗机进行石英微粉的二次提纯,产品质量达到了日本某电气公司的标准,其中 Fe、K、Na 的含量都有不同程度的降低,白度有所提高。
Quartz powder is a more ideal inorganic filler, the development of quartz powder technology should be grinding fineness, product purity and surface modification efforts. DG permanent magnetic separator and SXG-type scrubber secondary purification quartz powder, the product quality to meet the standards of an electric company in Japan, in which the content of Fe, K, Na have varying degrees of reduction, whiteness has increased .