The Great Exchange

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  Zhejiang Normal University (ZNU) is well known for its Institute of African Studies, which is the first institute of its kind at the university level for comprehensive African studies in China. Wu Fengmin, ZNU’s President, spoke to ChinAfrica about the school’s African studies programs and its exchange opportunities abroad. Edited excerpts follow:
  What kinds of African studies programs are offered at ZNU?
  The Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University (IASZNU) is the first institute for comprehensive African studies among Chinese universities. Headed by Professor Liu Hongwu, a well-known African studies specialist, it consists of the Center for African Political and International Relations, the Center for African Economic Studies, the Center for African Educational Studies, the Center for African Historical and Cultural Studies, the Center for FOCAC(Forum on China-Africa Cooperation) Studies, and the African Museum.
  We set up a website ( in five languages, including Chinese, English, French, Hausa and Swahili. The institute’s many high-level research projects have proposed suggestions that have been adopted by the Chinese Government. The Ministry of Education (MOE) says IASZNU has “become China’s base for African studies and consulting services.”
  What kinds of exchange is IASZNU involved with at home and abroad?
  IASZNU works closely with other domestic research institues on Africa, and has carried out joint research and graduate programs with think tanks and universities from over 20 African countries. Erastus Mwencha, Vice President of the African Union Commission, and many officials from other international organizations and think tanks visit our institute. We have conducted joint research projects with African scholars in the fields of politics and security, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, [and] education and human resources development.
  China’s first Africa-oriented business school was established at your university in 2010. What programs do you offer?
  The school is aimed at training professional business management personnel who understand Africa and China. With the support of China Scholarship Council, the school enrolls students for master degrees in China-Africa Business Management. It also provides vocational training for African enterprises in China and Africa-based Chinese enterprises.
  Diarize some of the important events to be held both in China and in Africa in June ’12
  China International Consumer Goods Fair
  Date: June 8-11, 2012
  Venue: Ningbo International Conference & Exhibition Center
  Add: No.181, Huizhan Road, Jiangdong District, Ningbo,
  Tel: + 86574-8717 8074
  Email: [email protected]
  Auto Chongqing 2012
  Date: June 9-13, 2012
  Venue: Chongqing International Convention and Exhibition Center
  Add: No.2, Jiangnan Avenue, Nan’an District, Chongqing
  Tel: +8623-6863 3404
  Email: [email protected]
  The 4th China (Chengdu) Gifts and Houseware Fair
  Date: June 15-17, 2012
  Venue: New International Convention and Exposition Center
  Add: 1 M-Sec., Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu
  Tel: +86755-3333 1166
  Email: [email protected]
  China (Guangzhou) International Environmental Protec
  tion Exhibition
  Date: June 20-22, 2012
  Venue: China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
  Add: No.380, Yuejiang Zhong Road, Guangzhou
  Tel: +8620-8912 8281
  Email: Not provided
  7th China International Automotive Electronics and Testi
  ng Technologies Show
  Date: June 20-22, 2012
  Venue: China International Exhibition Center
  Add: 6 East Beisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  Tel: +8610-6439 0338 ext. 605
  Email: [email protected]
  China Watch and Clock Fair
  Date: June 28-July 1st, 2012
  Venue: Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
  Add: Fuhua 3 Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
  Tel: +86755-8294 9400
  Email: cwcf@ewatch
  Mediterranean Exhibition for Animal & Agricultural
  Date: June 5-7, 2012
  Venue: Medina Expo Center
  Add: Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
  Tel: +21671-454 545
  Email: [email protected]
  West and Central Africom
  Date: June13-14, 2012
  Venue: King Fahd Palace
  Add: Pointe des Almadies, 8181, Dakar, Senegal
  Tel: +4420-7017 5506 (UK)
  Email: [email protected]
  Interbuild Egypt
  Date: June 21-25, 2012
  Venue: Cairo International Conference Center
  Add: Nasr Road, Nasr city, Cairo
  Tel: +202-3304 6049
  Email: [email protected]
  Website: interbuild-egypt.html
  Africa Rail
  Date: June 25-29, 2012
  Venue: Sandton Convention Center
  Add: Johannesburg, South Africa
  Tel: +2711-4636 001
  Email: [email protected]
  Website: stm
  Zambia International Fair Trade
  Date: June 27-July 3rd, 2012
  Venue: Ndola Fair Trade Grounds
  Add: Ndola, Zambia
  Tel: +2602-651 514/6
  Email: [email protected]
  AGRENA 2012
  Date: June 28-30, 2012
  Venue: Cairo International Conference Center
  Add: Nasr Road, Nasr city, Cairo
  Tel: +202-3303 8994
  Email: [email protected]
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