全球私募股权投资基金兴起的原因和发展现状私募股权投资基金(Private Equity,简称PE),是指以非公开形式募集资金,并投资于私人股权(是指企业发行的不在股票市场交易的股权资本)的集合投资工具或基金。私募股权投资基金市场主要包括四类参与者:一是私人股权投资管理机构,即股权投资基金的发起人或管理人;二是通过私募股权投资基金
The Causes and Development of Global Private Equity Funds PE (Private Equity, PE) refers to the private equity (non-public fund raising and private equity investment refer to the non-public equity capital Set of investment vehicles or funds. Private equity investment fund market mainly includes four types of participants: First, private equity investment management agencies, ie equity fund sponsors or managers; Second, through private equity funds