煤壁深孔注水是70年代初期才形成的新工艺,被认为是一种较好的注水方式,目前国外采用煤壁深孔注水比例很大。如西德、英国、法国、波兰、日本和苏联等国家均广泛采用。 彩屯煤矿从一九八二年一月份开始在七层煤内试验了煤壁深孔注水。已收到了满意效果。使注水工作适应了采煤正常工艺循环,注水与生产互不干扰,降尘率达到90%以上。
Coal wall deep hole injection is a new process that was formed in the early 1970s, is considered a better way of water injection, the current use of coal wall deep hole injection of a large proportion. Such as West Germany, Britain, France, Poland, Japan and the Soviet Union and other countries are widely used. Caitun Coal Mine commenced testing deep-hole coal injection in seven layers of coal from January 1982. Has received satisfactory results. The water injection work adapted to the normal coal mining cycle, water and production do not interfere with each other, dust reduction rate reached 90%.