20 0 1年 10月 ,建设部组织国家级工法审定委员会的专家 ,对有关部门和地区申报的 10 2项工法进行了评审 ,审定了 1999~ 2 0 0 0年度国家级工法 61项 ,以建建 [2 0 0 1]2 2 2号文件公布。国家级工法的颁布实施 ,对施工企业的技术进步起了积极的推动作用。希望各地区、各部门继
In October 2001, the Ministry of Construction organized experts of the State-level Work Law Review Committee to review 102 work practices declared by relevant departments and regions and examined and approved 61 national-level work practices from 1999 to 2000 to build Document [2 0 0 1] 2 2 2 was published. The promulgation and implementation of state-level working methods have played a positive role in promoting the technological progress of construction enterprises. I hope all regions and departments follow