巴西由于撤销了对外国车厂的限制,很快成为世界上最具活力、最受人瞩目的汽车市场之一。 在过去半年,奔驰、雷诺、现代、亚洲等厂纷纷宣布计划在巴西设厂生产。日产、丰田、标致、大宇等车厂也正考虑步上述车厂的后尘。原已在巴西设厂的通用、福特、快意(SEAT)及大众也正严阵以待。 外国车厂大举进军巴西市场,自然是认为该国大有发展潜力。巴
Due to the repeal of restrictions on foreign car manufacturers, Brazil soon became one of the most dynamic and eye-catching car markets in the world. In the past six months, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Hyundai, Asia and other factories have announced plans to set up factories in Brazil. Nissan, Toyota, Peugeot, Daewoo and other depots are also considering following the steps of the depot. General Motors, Ford, SEAT and Volkswagen, which have already set up factories in Brazil, are also waiting to be seen. It is natural for foreign carmakers to enter the Brazilian market in large numbers and believe that the country has great potential for development. -bar