Composition and diversity of five major forest types in moist temperate climate of the western Himal

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingfuli2009
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The present study was undertaken in five major forest types (dominated by Quercus semecarpifolia, Quercus floribunda, Acer acuminatum, Abies pindrow and Aesculus indica, respectively) between 2400 and 2850 m a.s.l. in a moist temperate forest of the Mandal-Chopta area in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. The aim was to assess the variation in composition and diversity in different vegetation layers, i.e., herb, shrub and tree, among these five forest types. Diversity indices, such as the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, density, total basal cover, Simpson’s concentration of dominance index, Simpson’s diversity index, Pielou’s equitability, species richness, species heterogeneity and β-diversity, were calculated to understand community structures. Dominance-diversity curves were drawn to ascertain resource apportionment among various species in different forest types. The present study was undertaken in five major forest types (dominated by Quercus semecarpifolia, Quercus floribunda, Acer acuminatum, Abies pindrow and Aesculus indica, respectively) between 2400 and 2850 m asl in a moist temperate forest of the Mandal-Chopta area in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. The aim was to assess the variation in composition and diversity in different vegetation layers, ie, herb, shrub and tree, among these five forest types. Diversity indices, such as the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, density, total basal cover, Simpson’s concentration of dominance index, Simpson’s diversity index, Pielou’s equitability, species richness, species heterogeneity and β-diversity, were calculated to understand community structures. Dominance-diversity curves were drawn to ascertain resource apportionment among various species in different forest types.
目的 探讨脐带穿刺在产前诊断中的应用价值,了解染色体异常核型与产前诊断指征的关系。方法对138例孕妇有产前诊断指征者于妊娠中、晚期在超声引导下行脐带穿刺术及染色体检查。结果138例有产前诊断指征孕妇行脐带穿刺及培养成功130例(94.2%),脐血染色体异常核型检出18例(13.85%),其中三体型占72.2%(13/18)。112例孕妇超声诊断异常行染色体检查,发现异常核型8例(7.14%)。结论
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一、玉米1.审定编号:蒙审玉2006001号品种名称:丰田10号选育单位:赤峰市丰田科技种业有限公司性状描述:幼苗:叶鞘紫色,叶片绿色,叶缘紫色,第一叶卵圆型。 First, the corn 1
不是为了圈住蛙鸣  只是为了更便于传统的行走  和萦绕更为深刻的水平  挑苗的汉子是田埂的筋骨  那被负重的脚板踩变了形的田埂  更是春天对秋天  海枯石烂的爱