偶翻《南史》,见《江淹传》,不觉注目观之:倜傥文人江淹,少年时诗文如涌,颇负盛名;及至晚年,才思枯竭,著也庸平,时人叹曰“江郎才尽”。他自己解嘲说:一日酣卧,睡梦中将五色笔送还了他人,故……云云。 人读于此,多为笑谈。我以为,为江淹立传,古人寓意很深,今人悟却不明。其实,用今天的眼光看来,江郎才尽,不妨说他是由于消极懈怠,不再进取所致。江淹因贪睡丢了什么彩笔,这
I even turned “South History”, see “Jiang Yan Biography”, unaware of the concept of attention: Qionglai literati Jiang Yan, juvenile poetry like Chung, quite prestigious; and later years, “Jiang Lang only make ”. He himself joked: one day in a deep sleep, colored pen will be returned to others, so ... ... and so forth. People read this, mostly joke. I think, as Jiang Yan Li Chuan, the ancients profound meaning, enlightenment is unknown. In fact, judging from today’s perspective, Jiang Lang should do his best to say that he is due to negligence and neglect. Jiang Yan lost because of snooze what color crayons, this