
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liushenglg
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随着教育改革的不断深化,高中班级管理方法也在不断的改革,传统的刚性管理方式暴露出越来越多的弊端,实施柔性化管理逐渐成为高中班级管理的重要方法。柔性化管理能够让师生之间的关系更加和谐,建立一个积极向上的班级。在柔性化的管理下,学生更加愿意对老师说出自己的内心想法,教师也可以根据学生的内在需求来解决学生在实际学习与生活中遇到的问题,使师生关系更加融洽。本文首先写出了高中班级管理柔性化的必要性,再写出具体的改革策略。 With the continuous deepening of education reform, the management methods of senior middle schools are also being constantly reformed. The traditional rigid management methods expose more and more malpractices. The implementation of flexible management has become an important method of high school management. Flexible management can make the relationship between teachers and students more harmonious, the establishment of a positive class. Under flexible management, students are more willing to tell their teachers their own inner thoughts. Teachers can also solve the problems students encounter in actual study and life according to the inherent needs of students, and make the relationship between teachers and students more harmonious. This article first outlines the need for flexible high school class management, and then write a specific reform strategy.
<正> 在太平洋地区存在着一种变革的动力,这种动力甚至比北约地区对于西方的全球战略地位可能具有更深远的影响。华盛顿对欧洲有自己更合理和更客观的政策,但在亚洲它却紧紧
<正> 大学战略管理(Strategic Management of University)是目前国外,尤其是美、欧国家一些大学的管理者重视和采用的一种大学管理方法。八十年代以来,美国的一些大学应用战