患者男性,68岁主诉血糖升高12年,偶发夜间低血糖1个月。现病史患者12年前于当地医院诊断为2型糖尿病,当时空腹血糖9.8mmol/L,医生给予格列本脲2.5mg Qd治疗。此后8年,患者未系统用药和复诊,8年前因出现视网膜病变开始接受系统治疗,每月复诊一次,并在家中自测血糖。3个月前复查糖化血红蛋白8.6%,降糖药方案为二甲双胍500mg Tid,格列喹酮30mg Tid,阿卡波糖50mg Tid。经过解释,患者同意接受胰岛素治疗以改善血糖控制。患者当前降糖方案为
Male patients, 68-year-old chief complaint of increased blood sugar 12 years, occasional nocturnal hypoglycemia 1 month. Patients with a history of illness were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at a local hospital 12 years ago when the fasting glucose was 9.8 mmol / L and the physician was given 2.5 mg Qd of glyburide. For the next 8 years, the patient was treated with no systemic medication and follow-up. Eight years ago, he started treatment with retinopathy and received monthly follow-up and self-test of blood glucose at home. 3 months ago, review of glycosylated hemoglobin 8.6%, hypoglycemic regimen metformin 500mg Tid, gliquidone 30mg Tid, acarbose 50mg Tid. After explanation, the patient agreed to receive insulin therapy to improve glycemic control. Patients currently hypoglycemic plan