【出 处】
Effects of Livin Gene RNA Interference on Apoptosis of Cervical Cancer Hela Cells and Enhanced Sensi
The recombinant plasmids pGenesii-1-BIRC71 and pGenesil-1-BIRC72 were transfected into Hela cells and cisplatin was added with different concentrations in order
The Expression of Resistin in Adipose Tissues of Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Insulin
The relationship between the expression of resistin in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and insulin resistance was investigated. The plasma resistin concentrati
1 概述2000年8月31日,新疆某火力发电厂6#机组在主蒸汽联络门阀体与主蒸汽管的焊接处突然发生爆断,大量高温蒸汽迅速喷出,致使1人死亡,1人重伤.该机组截止事故发生已累计运行
To re-identify and further group 25 isolates of Trichosporon spp. identified morphologically previously, sequences of D1/D2 region of large subunit (LSU) of rib
The Association between RASSF1 Gene Polymorphisms and Lung Cancer Susceptibility among People in Hub
The relationship between Ala/Ser polymorphism in 133 codon of exon 3 region of the RASSF 1 gene and genetic susceptibility of lung cancer in Hubei province Han