客厅里洋溢着欢乐的气氛,陈浩和三个儿子围坐在桌旁,老伴素英喜滋滋地忙碌着上菜,一家五口人正在为九年来第一次大团聚而干杯! 陈浩,身材魁梧,两鬓斑白,身着军装,神采奕奕,显然是部队的一位高级领导干部。九年前,他被“四人帮”打成“反革命”,惨遭迫害,他的三个儿子的身心也受到了摧残,他们在工作、生活和爱情等各方面都经受了严峻的考验。大儿子陈战,在医科大学毕业后,和他的女朋友苏毅共同立下了宏伟志愿:“要让世界上所有的盲人都能重见光明。”但在文化大革命开始后,他因不满“四人帮”的法西斯行径,被打成“反革命”。九年后,“四人帮”被
Living room filled with a happy atmosphere, Chen Hao and three sons sitting around the table, his wife Su Yingying busy catering, a family of five people are for the first time in nine years the reunification and toast! Chen Hao, burly , Two shades of white, dressed in military uniform, full of energy, obviously a senior military cadre. Nine years ago, he was labeled “counter-revolutionary” by the Gang of Four and brutally persecuted. His three sons and daughters were also physically and mentally devastated. They were subjected to harsh tests in all aspects of their work, life and love. After he graduated from Medical University, his elder son Chen Yi and his girlfriend Su Yi jointly established a grand ambition: “Let all the blind people in the world see the light again.” However, after the Cultural Revolution began, he was dissatisfied with his dissatisfaction The fascist act of the “gang of four” has been labeled “counter-revolutionary.” Nine years later, the “gang of four” was