重病缠身 “多久没进电影院了?” “差不多有三年了吧!” 这种对话并非哗众取宠。电影院门可罗雀的事实有目共睹。 看电影的人少了,影院的票房也一落千丈。1999年,虽然有庆祝建国50周年、纪念“五四”运动80周年、庆祝澳
Sick “how long did not enter the cinema?” “For almost three years now!” This dialogue is not grandstanding. The fact that the cinema has a lot to see is obvious to all. There are fewer people watching movies and the theater box office has plummeted. In 1999, although celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and commemorating the 80th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, Macao was celebrated