电脑城最常见有二种人,JS(奸商)和消费者,两者之间的明争暗斗由来已久,但JS总是占上风是不争的事实。为什么呢?因为购买电脑配件往往需要比较丰富的专业知识,而大多数普通消费者都不具备,再者JS总是能看穿消费者的心理,可怜的消费者们没少被JS坑蒙欺骗过。因此,和JS的斗争是我们永远热门的话题。 其实与JS打交道最关键就在于心态能否稳的住,能否在消费的过程中始终坚持自己的心态,并且不为JS的花言巧语所动,总是让自己处于主动的地位,这样一来JS就无机可趁了。当然,要做到这些并不容易,我将带你零距离接触JS,揭示JS们的种种卑劣行径并提供给你种种对策以供参考。
Computer City is the most common of two kinds of people, JS (profiteers) and consumers, the two have a long history of contention, but JS always prevail is an indisputable fact. Why? Because the purchase of computer accessories often require a wealth of expertise, and most ordinary consumers do not have, and JS is always able to see through the minds of consumers, poor consumers are not less than JS deceived. Therefore, the fight with JS is our hot topic forever. In fact, the key to dealing with the JS lies in the mentality can live in stability, whether in the process of consumption always adhere to their mentality, and not for the rhetoric of JS’s move, always let myself in the initiative, so that JS Inorganic can take advantage of. Of course, to do this is not easy, I will take you up close contact with JS, reveal JS’s despicable acts and provide you with a variety of countermeasures for reference.