基于分光光度法研究了云南5烟区津巴布韦烤烟品种KRK26成熟中部叶片叶绿素(Chl)在三段式烘烤中的相对降解速率和总降解量以及烘烤后总Chl的残余量。结果表明:不同烟区KRK26 Chl a,Chl b和总Chl在烘烤中的降解速率差异、Chl a和总Chl在烘烤不同阶段的降解速率差异均未达到显著水平,但Chl b在烘烤不同阶段的降解速率差异达到显著水平。保山烟区KRK26所有Chl的降解速率最高峰均在变黄前期;玉溪和临沧KRK26 Chl a的降解速率最高峰在变黄后期,文山的在定色前期,景谷的2个峰在变黄后期和定色后期;玉溪和文山KRK26 Chl b的降解速率最高峰均在变黄前期,临沧的在变黄后期,景谷的2个峰在变黄后期和和干筋后期;玉溪、景谷、临沧和文山KRK26总Chl的降解速率最高峰都在变黄后期。不同烟区KRK26各种Chl的总降解量不同,其差异均达到极显著水平。烘烤后,所有烟区KRK26总Chl残留量均符合优质烟叶的颜色标准。所以,云南不同烟区KRK26叶片基于Chl降解的产香潜力不同。本研究结果可为云南烟区KRK26香气品质的评价与调控、适宜种植区域的选择提供参考。
Based on the spectrophotometric method, the relative degradation rate and total degradation of chlorophyll (Chl) in mature middle leaves of Zimbabwe flue-cured tobacco varieties KRK26 in 5 tobacco-growing areas of Yunnan Province were studied, and the total Chl residue after baking was studied. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the degradation rates of Chl a, Chl b and total Chl in different tobacco growing areas, and no significant difference in the degradation rates of Chl a and total Chl at different baking stages. However, Differences in different stages of the rate of degradation reached a significant level. The highest degradation rate of all Chl in Baoshan Tobacco KRK26 was in the early yellowing stage. The highest degradation rate of KRK26 Chl a in Yuxi and Lincang was in late yellowing stage. And the later period of decolorization; the highest degradation rates of YKK and Wenshan KRK26 Chl b were all in the early yellowing stage. The two peaks of Jinggu in late yellowing stage and the late dry phase were in late yellowing stage of Lincang, Cang and Wenshan KRK26 total Chl degradation peaked in late yellowing. Different chickens KRK26 various Chl total degradation amount is different, the difference reached extremely significant level. After baking, the total Chl residues of KRK26 in all tobacco areas were in line with the color standards of good quality tobacco. Therefore, the yield potential of KRK26 leaves in different tobacco-growing areas in Yunnan Province based on Chl degradation was different. The results of this study can be used to evaluate and control the aroma quality of KRK26 in Yunnan tobacco area, and provide references for the selection of planting areas.