曹州(即現在山东省的菏澤县)牡丹是山东省的一种名貴的花木,同时牡丹的根經加工后制成“丹皮”可以入药。一、产地的自然条件曹州位于山东省西南部,全县为平原地帶露染?953—1954年兩年平均气温为13.75℃。年降雨量为714.4毫米。土壤为黃河泛濫沉积而形成的石灰質冲积土,沉积物以粉砂(麵砂)为主,粘土(淤土)次之,並有少量細砂(飞砂)。土層之排列多为上砂下淤或上淤下砂及少数的砂粘間層巴翆右苑凵百|为主,粘土層以粘罭?均呈碱性反应,酸碱度一般在pH 7.8—8.3左右。
Caozhou (now Heze County, Shandong Province) Peony is a precious flower in Shandong Province, while peony root processed into “Dan skin” can be used as medicine. First, the natural conditions of origin CAO is located in southwestern Shandong Province, the county for the plains exposed? 953-1954 years, the average temperature of 13.75 ℃. The annual rainfall is 714.4 mm. The soil is calcareous alluvial soil formed by flood sedimentation of the Yellow River. The sediments are dominated by silt (surface sand), followed by clay (silt) with a small amount of fine sand (sand). The arrangement of soil layer is mostly silt on silt or silt on silt and a few of sand interbedded layer. The main reason is that the clay layer is alkaline with sticky silt and the pH is generally at pH 7.8-8.3 or so.